Why is it that many heterosexual women compete with effeminate gay men over a heterosexual man? What are they competing for? Is it love or is it procreation? We’re not talking about women who go to a gay bar with their gbff (gay best friend forever) to compete with him for an obviously gay man. Granted, many heterosexual women go to a gay bar and actually find love and more with the bartender, the valet, the stripper or the manager; who more often than not, are heterosexuals. Yes, there are heterosexual men who work in gay bars because they get bigger tips than anywhere else. Sex sells. Especially if you’re straight.

Let’s talk about your everyday situations, such as at a college student group, executives and their coworkers, or at any work/study situation where you’re more likely not knowing who is or who isn’t a homosexual. The innocent lunches, get-togethers, and everyday human interactions that happen all the time at any given moment.

Case in point: I have many female friends. And it always has happened that they compete with me for the attention of any guy who smiles at me. If we go have lunch, the waiter comes over smiles, and offers us a drink. I smile back and maybe flirt with him. Nothing serious, I’m just being me. Now for some reason, my friend will start to flirt with him too. No biggie – he’s a cute waiter. But, then her whole demeanor changes. She goes from playful friend to evil seductress on a mission. She twirls her hair when he brings our drinks. She juts out her big breasts when he takes our order. She bites her lips, making them redder. If that was not enough, she will try to embarrass me in front of the waiter. Each time the waiter passes by and smiles at me, she drawls her vowels, touching his hand accidentally. She makes noise for him and the rest of the restaurant to notice her. I sit back and watch, waiting for her to take off her top, attack the waiter, and ride him into the sunset.

I’m no expert. However, I see this happen all the time. Sometimes I don’t think that the women do. I mention it to them and they deny it, probably because they didn’t notice it, or they just don’t see it. Mostly because consciously, I was no competition.

I wonder if it has an evolutionary basis wherein women are competing to attract and marry the most desirable bachelor to procreate good offspring. Sometimes, they try to separate a very healthy and virile man from his horrible wife. At other times, I’ve seen women do everything possible to separate long term relationships for a one-night stand. Anthropologically speaking, that is how we as humans procreate. What I don’t completely understand is competing with a gay man. Maybe it’s because it makes no difference.

There’s that old cliché: not all gay men are smart, rich, nor handsome. Are stereotypes a factor that they consider as great, and they would become good sperm donors? And thus procreate smarter, cuter, healthier babies?

It seems unfair. There are more straight men than gays, women should leave the good ones alone. The gay dating pool is scarce. Women should give up some of their husbands to even out the odds.